Journals : 

  • Tousif Ahmed, M.Z. Rahman, Rafiul Islam, "Computational study of plain flapped NACA 0012 airfoil at various flap angles and Mach numbers," Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. (Under Review) 
  • M.Z. Rahman, M.A.S. Akanda, T. Ahmed, D. Adhikary, "Investigation of the Effect of Elastic Behavior of the Supporting Wall on the Stress and Displacement at the Fixed End of a Deep Cantilever Beam," Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. (Under Revision) 
  • Tousif Ahmed, MD. Abu Abrar, MD. Tanjin Amin, “Design Modification Investigation of a Concept Heat  Exchanger  for  Better  Efficiency  through  Thermal  Simulation,”  Journal  of  Advanced Materials Research Vols. 631-632 (2013) pp 1026-1031 doi:10.402
  • Aminur Rahman, Md. Tanjin Amin, Tousif Ahmed, "Optimum Design of Compound Pressure Vessel by Finite Element Method," Journal of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Under Review)
  • Md. Tanjin Amin, Dr. Abu Rayhan Md. Ali, Tousif Ahmed, Faisal Ahmed, "Optimum Design of Autofrettaged Thick-Walled Cylinders," GJRE Volume 13 Issue 8 Version 1.0
  • Tousif Ahmed, Muhammad Ziaur Rahman, Debasish Adhikary, “Analysis  of Al2O3/Al FGM as Biomaterial  of  Artificial  Human  Femoral  Bone  and  Compare  with  Ti6Al4V  Alloy  through Computational Study,” GJRE Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering, Volume 13 Issue 
  • Muhammad Ziaur Rahman, Tousif Ahmed, Raihan Md. Imtiaz, “Investigation of Stresses in a Beam  with  Fixed  Connection  Using  Finite  Difference  Technique,”  GJRE  Mechanical  and Mechanics Engineering, Volume 13 Issue 2
  • Tousif Ahmed, “Software  Development  for Cooling  Load Estimation by  CLTD Method,” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684, Volume 3, Issue 6 (Nov. - Dec. 2012
  • Tousif Ahmed, MD. Ziaur Rahman, “Performance Investigation of Building Ventilation System by Calculating Comfort Criteria through HVAC Simulation,” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684, Volume 3, Issue 6 (Nov. - Dec. 2012)

Conferences :

  • Tousif Ahmed, MD. Abu Abrar, MD. Tanjin Amin, “Design Modification Investigation of a Concept Heat  Exchanger  for  Better  Efficiency  through  Thermal  Simulation,”  2012 2nd  International Conference  on  Materials  Engineering  for  Advanced  Technologies  (ICMEAT),  Xiaman,  China doi:10.4028
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